Images of Nature: Models and Representation in Science

6 November 2017, Room G32, 7 George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9JZ

This international workshop aims to explore the interrelation between modelling and representing in science. How to think of the representation afforded by different kinds of models in physics, palaeontology, climate science, and computer sciences? Join us for a day of interdisciplinary discussions.


International Workshop "Images of Nature"

Keynote Speakers

Alisa Bokulich

Alistair Isaac

Margaret Morrison

Wendy Parker









Booking for this event is now closed. If you wish to attend, please email



Read conference abstracts

10 am

Coffee and welcome

10.30 am – 11.45 am

Margaret Morrison

11.45 am- 1pm

Wendy Parker


Alistair Isaac

 3.45pm – 5pm

Alisa Bokulich
Image: Giorgio de Chirico ‘The Double Dream of Spring’