Philosophy of biology meets social studies of biosciences. Perspectives on living organisms II

31 May 2018, 0930-1400, Room 7.01, Dugald Stewart Building, 3 Charles Street, EH8 9AD





0930-1000 Welcome and coffee
1000-1015 Jane Calvert, ‘Engineering life’
1015-1045 Pablo Schyfter, ‘Functions and failures in biological engineering.’

Miguel Garcia Sancho Sanchez, ‘Medical translation in the history of modern genomics’


1100-1115 Coffee Break



Jim Lowe, ‘Shuttling between species in the history of pig genomics: mice, humans and markers’


1145-1215 Erika Szymanski, ‘What is ‘the yeast genome’?: Assembling yeast in 20th and 21st century genomics’

Sandra Mitchell, ‘Instrumental Perspectivism: Is AI Machine Learning like NMR Spectroscopy?’


1300-1400 Lunch

This workshop is sponsored by the ERC Consolidator grant Perspectival realism. Science, Knowledge, and Truth from a Human Vantage Point (PI: Michela Massimi, Philosophy, Edinburgh) in collaboration with colleagues in Science, Technology, and Innovation Studies at Edinburgh (ERC Consolidator grant Engineering life: ideas, practices, and promises, PI: Jane Calvert, STIS; and ERC Starting grant: Medical translation in the history of modern genomics, PI: Miguel Garcia-Sancho, STIS).


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