Reading group with Professor Rice: Catherine Elgin’s True Enough

[18, 19 & 21 June]

With Professor Collin Rice visiting us in June, we are delighted to announce a reading group on models, idealisations, understanding and truth across epistemology and philosophy of science.




We will read Catherine Elgin (2017) True Enough (MIT Press) with the following schedule:

Meeting 1: Monday 18th June 2018, 11.30-1pm room F29/30, 7 George Square, Chapters 1-3

Meeting 2: Tuesday 19th June, 3.30-5pm, room 4.01 DSB, Chapters 4, 7, and 9

Meeting 3: Thursday 21st June, 3.30-5pm, room 4.01 DSB, Chapters 11, 12, and 14



Elgin, C.Z. (2017) True Enough. Cambridge, MA,: MIT Press
Image credit ‘acrylic background’ MarinaZakharova